Career Development
Enhanced Career Development & Assesment

The Vantage team is highly experienced in career development and career transition services. Our specific capabilities in these disciplines include coaching, counseling, curriculum development, delivery of career development and career transition training courses, development of tools and techniques to enhance career development, administration/interpretation of career assessment tools, and support/staffing of career assistance centers.
Career Development Services
Vantage Solutions
The Vantage team has performed career development and/or career transition work for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Department of Labor, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Bureau of Public Debt, the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency, and others. Vantage’s career counselors and coaches are also highly skilled and experienced. In fact, we use many of the same coaches and counselors for executive leadership and career development programs because they are equally adept in both disciplines. Additionally, Vantage’s counselors and coaches are very skilled trainers who teach a variety of workshops to strengthen career development skills.

Vantage Can Help Your Agency Meet its Career Develoment Needs
Design, development, and implementation of
career development programs -
Career coaching
Career development counseling
Career transition counseling
Development and delivery of off-the-shelf
career development training courses -
Development and delivery of customized
career development training courses -
Delivery and interpretation of a wide variety of
self-assessment tools to support career development -
Staffing organizational career assistance centers
Vantage’s career development program includes a range of capabilities including career counseling, career coaching, career skills training, and support of on-site career assistance centers to directly support organizational performance goals and address workforce needs. We work with client employees, supervisors, and managers to assess skills and develop competencies; identify opportunities for training and development; and prepare development plans.
In the past five years Vantage performed career development services at several client sites in the form of coaching, counseling, and career skills training, as well as individualized assistance in job searches, resume preparation, career planning, preparing personal mission statements, and many other tasks that are part of successful career management. We’ve performed this work at Career Centers for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Labor (DOL), in the Human Resources Training Department and the Headquarters Building of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and in support of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Fellows program.
Our focus on formal training programs, individual work with employees, and providing resources to organizations and employees is what we do best.